Adevarul vazut de extraterestri
Being human is far more complex than I thought. There is no absolute personal truth here and these bodies don’t come with an owner’s manual, so every day these people have to make up life and truth becomes highly individual. […] I think these humans bend the truth because this is a difficult place to live. It’s a lonely blue dot on the far end of the galaxy and all the half-truths and flattery and diplomacy are the lubricant that people spread on each other to get over the rough spots.
Dr. Dick Solomon – 3rd Rock From the Sun (S01, Ep 10)
He he, 3rd rock from the sun e un sitcom senzational, chiar si dupa atatia ani. Superb zis 😀
RCA Ieftin
Adorabil post! 🙂 10x
de acord! 🙂
being human is not about truth at all …