Concurs fulger – câștigă două bilete la concertul lui Robbie de vineri
UPDATE: La ora 22:30 am închis comentariile și m-am pus pe investigat. Având experiența unor concursuri la care s-a spamat în draci, am procedat ca și până acum: am investigat și-am ajuns la o listă de 188 de comentatori din 195. Unii ați comentat de două ori – din păcate nu aveți șanse duble, alții n-ați respectat cerința, iar alții n-au vrut să participe pentru că n-ar fi ajuns la concert.
Și pentru că am citit numeroase versuri la fel, am fost curioasă care au fost cele mai citate melodii. Topul arată așa: Feel – 50 de mențiuni (foarte multe cu aceleasi versuri), Angels – 29 de mențiuni, She’s the One – 14 mențiuni, Love Supreme – 11 mențiuni și Come Undone – 10 Mențiuni. În mod ironic, melodia care i-a adus premiul câștigătorului nu-i niciuna dintre astea, ci Make Me Pure, melodie pe care eu n-o știu prea bine.
În urma tragerii la sorți, cele două bilete la concertul lui Robbie Williams de vineri, merg la:
Și dovada:
Felicitări, Daniel, aștept pe mail adresa fizică la care îți pot trimite biletele. Și un număr de telefon.
* * *
Când a început să se zvonească un potențial concert al lui Robbie la București, am fost destul de neîncrezătoare că chiar se va întâmpla asta și că toți erau mânați în luptă de wishful thinking. Cu atât mai mult cu cât pe site-ul oficial și pe pagina oficială de Facebook nu se anunțase nimic. Comentam pe la toți entuziasmații să-și țină caii în frâu că până nu-i pe site-ul lui nu-i oficial. Până când a fost. Moment în care crescuse și în mine dorința de a merge la concert, chiar și cu burta la gură. Numai că data de 17 iulie e… cum să vă spun eu… mult prea înaintată pentru mine ca să mă obosesc pe drum cu trenul, să mă bag într-o mulțime cum sunt cele de la concerte și să mai și rabd în căldură momentul mult așteptat. Mai am o lună până nasc și cu toată ciuda din univers, n-o să-l văd anul ăsta pe Robbie la București. Totuși mă consolez cu gândul că l-am văzut anul trecut la Budapesta, că altfel…
Cei de la Telekom, foarte drăguți, s-au gândit să-mi facă o surpriză și mi-au trimis două bilete la râvnitul concert. Fără să știe au răsucit proverbialul cuțit în toate rănile sufletului meu, dar asta e.
Și pentru că eu nu pot merge, evident că n-o să răpesc cuiva plăcerea de a-l vedea pe Robbie la București. Și credeți-mă, merită. Eu aș fi fost curioasă de concertul ăsta pentru că e diferit de ce am văzut eu la Budapesta, și-anume turneul Swings Both Ways. Nu disper, că mai vine el prin împrejurimi și acolo voi fi, din nou în Golden sau Diamond Circle.
Așadar, am două bilete de dat unui norocos sau norocoase. Ce trebuie sa faceți pentru asta? Să-mi spuneți care sunt două dintre versurile voastre preferate din toată discografia lui Robbie Williams. Versurile alea care v-au făcut să vă îndrăgostiți de muzica lui. Și pentru că timpul e scurt și eu trebuie să vă trimit biletele astfel încât să ajungă la voi până vineri și voi să ajungeți la București, dacă nu sunteți de acolo, concursul durează doar azi.
Baftă. Diseară anunț câștigătorii.
Caise I got too much life, running through my veins… Going to waste
🙂 brilliant
Claudia Bugeac
In walked this big bad ass baboon into my bedroom with three monkey whores
‘Hi! My name is Sunshine – these are my girls
aurelia dumitru
Every mistake I’ve ever made
Has been rehashed and then replayed
As I got lost along the way
Nu sunt 2, sunt 3 versuri, dar cum ai putea sa te decizi la DOAR 2 versuri de-ale lui? Prin urmare….
How do you rate the morning sun?
After a long and sleepless night
How many stars would you give to the moon
ma transpun intr-o stare f meditativa ❤
Monica Preda
Ah, ce m-ai nimerit, mi-ar plăcea enorm sa ajungem, mai ales ca e ultima șansă de a face ceva cu omul înainte de sosirea Annei.
versurile care m-au atins mereu și mi se potrivesc dureros de tare sunt :”yesterday when we were walking, we talked about your mom and dad, what they did that made you happy, whats they did that made you sad”. Încă încerc sa fac pace cu absenta lor, mai ales acum înainte de nașterea fetei mele 🙂
Ana Maria Anghelea
“And I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead”
Ilinca Marcu
Robbie Williams – Angels
“Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me”
Aceste versuri pentru ca viata este o clipa in infinitul minunat.
Maria Mirabela
E greu sa aleg doar 2 versuri, sunt multe care-mi plac. Imi place de Robbie de cand era in Take That, melodia mea de suflet este Back for good, dar azi aleg alte versuri:
So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Luiza Cherpec
“We were young, we were wrong
We were fine all along”!
Ana Maria
Buna! 2 dintre versuri ar fi:
Not sure I understand
This role I’ve been given
Ca mai toata lumea imi pun vesnicele intrebari de ce eu? si pentru ce?
O zi cat mai frumoasa!
Close your eyes so your don’t hear then
They don’t need to see you cry
Road to Mandalay, pentru video clip in primul rand care pare regizat de Guy Ritchie (dar nu e) si apoi pt aceste versuri, unde eu initial intelesem “Beep me up on the beach” si imi imaginam cu ce as fi inlocuit beep-ul 🙂
Save me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
What a lovely holiday
There’s nothing funny left to say
When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Adrian Dobrescu
I just wanna feel real love feel the home that I live in /
Cos I got too much life running through my veins
Andreea Burlacu
So unimpressed, but so in awe
Such a saint, but such a whore
Andra Nastase
“No regrets they don’t work
No regrets they only hurt” – ascultate pe repeat intr-un moment in care regrete de tot felul ma napadeau, iar Robbie chiar a ajutat 🙂
“So rock and roll, so corporate suit
So need your love, so **** you all”
(Come undone)
–> deoarece cam asta sunt eu, day by day – working class hero by day, rock ‘n roll rebel by night ^_^
Ai grija de tine!
Mangaieri pe burtica,
So unimpressed, but so in awe
Such a saint, but such a whore
So self-aware, so full of shit
So indecisive, so adamant
I’m contemplating, thinkin’ about thinkin’
It’s overrated, just get another drink and
come and hold my hand
i wanna contact the living
not sure i understand
this rode i`ve been given
Neața! Mulțumim pentru concurs!
Versurile “mele” sunt: Don’t let it get you down/ Everybody lives for levee! 😉
When I’m feeling weak and my pain walks down a one way street, / I look above and I know I’ll always be blessed with love.
Ce tare, si eu tot alea le-am scris … doar ca eu nu pot participa
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the livin’
Not sure I understand
This rode I’ve been given
Melodia mea favorita e Feel de la Robbie: I just wanna feel/Real love and the love ever after. Ar fi un perfect cadou pentru ziua mea de pe 16! O zi fainuta!
Rossana Manolescu
“Love is natural, love is good
Not everybody does it, but everybody should ”
Viva Life on Mars
vera ularu
You can’t manufacture a miracle
The silence was pitiful that day.
There’s nothing left for you to give
The truth is all that you’re left with
Twenty paces then at dawn
We will die and be reborn
Ioana Popa
You’re gonna meet some strangers.
Welcome to the zoo.
Bitter disappointments.
Except for one or two.
Some of them are angry.
Some of them are mean.
Most of them are twisted.
Few of them are clean.
Zina Ramona Tanase
Preferata mea este Feel. Si:
“I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don’t understand”
Out of contest, ca nu am cum sa ajung :(((
When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
Come and live a love supreme
Don’t let it get you down
Everybody lives for love
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in
Yeah are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumour in your humour,
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit,
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive
You must survive
Alex Gheorghițan
If there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one.
(She’s The One, 1999 – cover după Word Party/1997)
Anca I
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
Raluca Enache
We were young, we were wrong
We were fine all along
Robbie Williams – She’s The One
I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in
Luchian Liliana
She touched my face and called me her lover
I never thought that I’d need another
Win some lose some
Timar Ozana
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I’ve been given!!!!
Nu numai ca e foarte greu sa alegi doar doua versuri, dar e extraordinar de greu sa explici cum omul asta te face sa traiesti prin muzica!
Nisif Rodica
Robbie Williams are o multime de melodii cu versuri care-ti ajung fix la inimioara. Nu mai stiu cum m-am indragostit de el, dar aveam postere cu ochii lui verzi inca de pe vremea liceului (sigh)…Totusi, sa revenim la oile noastre 🙂 Intotdeauna m-au motivat urmatoarele versuri: “No regrets, they dont work/ No regrets, they only hurt”. Parintii mei au avut grija sa ma educe cu o constiinta cat America, asa ca am incercat pe cat posibil ca tot ceea ce fac sa fie in limitele bunului simt si mai ales sa nu imi aduca regrete ulterior. Iar atunci cand nu am reusit, mi-au rasunat in minte versurile din “no regrets”…si da, au fost mai multe situatii cand am dat-o in bara, pentru ca multumesc lui Dumnezeu nu sunt perfecta! 😀 Aaa…si mereu am visat ca alesul o sa-mi cante “She’s the one”…pana acum nu s-a intamplat, dar mai e timp 🙂
P.S. Vreau sa caaaant cu Robbie!!
Mihaela Bisog
Come and hold my hand, I wanna contact the livin`
I sit and talk to god, and he just laugh at my plans
Adrian Iordanescu
Though the sea will be strong
I know we’ll carry on
Cos if there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one
If there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one
Alexa Udrea
“I got too much life
Running through my veins”
Gabriela Tamas
If you can’t wake up in the morning
Cause your bed lies vacant at night
If you’re lost, hurt, tired or lonely
Can’t control it – try as you might
May you find that love that won’t leave you
May you find it by the end of the day
You won’t be lost, hurt, tired and lonely
Something beautiful will come your way
Dumitrascu Roxana
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
“Feel “
ana maria
So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Maria T
Come and hold my hand/I wanna contact the living…
din “let me entertain you”
“You’re tired of your teachers and your school’s a drag
You’re not going to end up like your mom and dad”
“I just wanna feel
Real love and the love ever after
There’s a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It’s a real big place”
Avram Catalina Andreea
I’m contemplating,thinkin’ about thinkin’
It’s overrated,just get another drink and watch me come undone.
“come undone”
daniela savuica
“When there’s no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme” (Supreme)
Maftei Cristina
No regrets, they don’t work
No regrets now, they only hurt…
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
Feel 🙂
Nicoleta Cojoianu
Donne le meilleur de toi meme
Et tu trouveras l’Amour supreme
Supreme – French version (mai putin cunoscuta)
“Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me”
Don’t try to make them love you.
Don’t answer every call.
Baby be a giant.
Let the world be small.
Alexe Flavia Mihaela
Mi-a fost greu sa decid, dar iata versurile mele preferate:
Go gentle through your life.
If you want me I’ll be there.
Ps: sunt din Bucuresti, atat de aproape si totusi atat de departe(la un bilet distanta)
Alexandra V.
Cause I got to much life
running through my veins, going to waste
And I need to feel real looove. …
M-am lăsat dusă de val, ador Feel
Stefan Andreea
Versurile mele preferate sunt din piesa “She’s the one” si anume
“I was her, she was me
We were one, we were free.”
Ilinca Paduroiu
“I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate?”
Angels 🙂
” My head speaks a language
I don’t understand ” – Feel
”No regrets, they don’t work
No regrets, they only hurt
Sing me a love song”
– No regrets
Got no self-esteem and vertigo
Cause she thinks she’s made of candy
Ioana Budeanu
“I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans.”
Thank you:)
Liliana Goaie
Life’s too short for to die
So grab yourself an alibi
Heaven knows your mother lied
Lazy days calling to you
Come out to play
The future lies with you
Now you can be sure love is the cure
Andra Nicula
“When there’s no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down” (Supreme, Robbie Williams)
(offtopic: să vină Ada cât mai sănătoasă și voioasă și să vă bucurați de ea!)
Not sure I understand
This role I’ve been given
…visez un concert cu Robbie…
De departe – Better Man este preferata mea.
as my soul heals the shame/I will grow through this pain/Lord I’m doing all I can/to be a better man
Luminita Cristina
I just wanna feel real love, feel the home that I live in,
Cause I’ve got too much life running through my veins, going to waste… 🙂
Save me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
“And I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead”
Avram Catalina Andreea
I’m contemplating,thinkin’ about thinkin’
It’s overrated,just get another drink and watch me come undone
-“come undone”
I don’t want to die,
But I just can’t keep on living either
Versurile din piesa mea favorita “Angels”
When I come to call she won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead
M-am indragostit de muzica lui Robbie cu asa mult timp in urma, ca am si uitat cum a inceput totul. Dar cert e ca melodia Strong e una dintre preferatele mele, iar de acolo versul “Life’s too short to be afraid” a fost un wake-up call pentru mine la un anumit moment dat in viata asta.
“He spoke through tears of 15 years how his dog and him traveled about
The dog up and died, he up and died
And after 20 years he still grieves”
Mr Bojangles, melodia pe care o cantam in liceu cu volumul la maxim in masina prietenului meu Peter. Am cunoscut-o initial in versiunea RW si I’d love to hear it live 🙂 nu stiu daca o canta, dar pentru cateva h mi-as gasi babysitter
As my soul heals he shame
I will grow through this pain
Uuu, concurs fulger 🙂 Din multele piese pe care le ştiu vers cu vers, la Sexed Up mă întorc invariabil după fiecare dezamăgire masculină:
I chose you, that’s all gone to waste
It’s Saturday… I’ll go out and find another you 🙂
Alexandra Ene
Baby be a giant.
Let the world be small.
– Go Gentle
Simona Verives
I sit and talk to God And he just laughs at my plans
Nu-mi vine sa cred ca din cate versuri faine are Robbie, eu voi cita unele care nu sunt ale lui… Dar povestea este asa:
2006, inceput de an. Eu mica si coplesita de tot ce se intampla in viata mea atunci. La TV un concert Robbie Williams. Si el cantand usor de tot versurile lui Bob Marley:
Every little thing is gonna be alright
Don’t worry about a thing now, child
A fost exact ce am avut nevoie! Made my year, really! 🙂 Si acum, inca tin minte exact acel sentiment… 🙂
When I’m feeling weak and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above and I know I’ll always be blessed with love
” And through it all she offers me protection
A lot a love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong ”
P-astea mi le-a dedicat iubitul meu, a zis ca el asa ma simte 🙂
When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Simona Balan
When I’m feeling weak and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above and I know I’ll always be blessed with love
Robbie Williams-Angels.
Alexandra Stanciu
“It’s Saturday
I’ll go out and find another you” – din piesa Sexed up
“Baby be a giant.
Let the world be small ” din Go gentle.
Cu bine!
All your friends think you’re satisfied
but they can’t see your soul, no, no, no
mie imi place la nebunie refrenul piesei ‘No regrets’ 😀
“No regrets they don’t work
No regrets they only hurt
I know they’re still talking
The demons in your head
If I could just stop hating you”
Manea Oana
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don’t understand
Sabina Vrinceanu-Tomici
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
Te inteleg, si la mine in timpul celor doua sarcini si apoi cat au fost copiii mici au trecut multe concerte pe care mi le-as fi dorit, dar tot asa m-am resemnat cu gandul ca o sa vina si vremea mea 🙂
Felicitari pentru gest, esti foarte generoasa!
Life’s too short to be afraid,
Step inside the sun.
Andreea Dobre
If there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one
Melodia este She’s the one, desigur. 🙂
Versurile mele preferate din Back for good 🙂
Oh, we’ll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again
When I’m feeling weak/
And my pain walks down a one way street/
I look above/
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
enache nicoleta
If you can’t wake up in the morning
‘Cause your bed lies vacant at night
If you’re lost, hurt, tired or lonely
Can’t control it, try as you might
May you find that love never leave you
May you find it by the end of the day
You won’t be lost, hurt, tired or lonely
Something beautiful will come your way
Robbie Williams – Something Beautiful
Gabriela Teodora Vatafu
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
Daniel Baltes
“I know I’m gonna die so my revenge is living well”
leon cristina larisa
Me and my monkey
With a dream and a gun
numai ca eu nu vorbesc despre droguri 🙂 mai degraba despre mintea mea (my monkey) ascutita care se gandeste ea la tot. si ca sa o mai potolesc, trebuie sa fac vizite la psiholog :)) eu am visul si ea are pistolul
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Roxana Basno
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
Tare, nu? 🙂
”Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living”
So rock and roll, so corporate suit
So damn ugly, so damn cute
Tare greu a fost sa ma hotorasc, dar astea sunt :
I just wannna feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
Love is natural love is good
Not everybody does it but everybody should.
I just wanna feel/ Real love and the love ever after…:)
Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn’t mean it
I just want you back for good
Back for good
Ana Maria Por
I was her she was me
We were one, we were free.
“She’s the one”
I just wanna feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
Versurile mele preferate sunt urmatoarele –
Before I fall in love
I’m preparing to leave her
I scare myself to death
That’s why I keep on running
Before I’ve arrived
I can see myself coming
Motivul pentru care afirm acest lucru este destul de “simplu” (cel putin in viziunea mea – a simtitorului direct 🙂 )
Am ascultat pentru prima oara aceasta melodie – acum foarte (foarte) mult timp. Varsta nu imi era “prielnica” pentru a intelege lucrurile intr-o profunzime clara si filosofica. Cu toate acestea, m-am oprit imediat dupa auzirea lor – am pus “pause” si am reluat versurile. Over & over again, pana in momentul in care au facut sens. Sens pentru mine.
Oricat de “Kant”-astic ar suna, mi-au clarificat faptul ca nimeni nu ne pregateste pentru viata. Pasim in viata cu niste cunostinte primare si banale – pe care le dezvoltam intr-un fel sau altul pana se scurge timpul din clepsidra.
Suntem intr-o contradictie generala – nu cu lumea. Nu. Ci cu noi. Cu propriul EU, cu propriul ego. Ne cladim ziduri in jurul nostru, pentru ca apoi sa avem ce darama. Ne montam cu precizie – plase de siguranta, pentru ca apoi sa sarim intr-o cu totul alta directie. Batem cu pumnul in masa! Pentru ca apoi sa o imbratisam si sa ne sprijinim paharele cu vorbe si coatele pe ea.
E simplu 🙂 I scare myself to death – That’s why I keep on running.
Imi place muzica lui. Imi place pentru ca ma face sa simt. Si nu stiu ce’as fi fost astazi fara simtire – si mai ales, fara muzica.
Anyway 🙂 My head speaks a language, I don’t (always) understand.
Zi frumoasa!
vera ularu
You can’t manufacture a miracle
The silence was pitiful that day.
Something Beautiful
🙂 Foarte buna tema de gandire.. Robbie imi place since ever, multe melodii sunt acolo in best of-ul meu personal, insa de una imi amintesc ca m-a impresionat teribil, poate si pentru ca eram intr-un moment mai.. emotional. Melodia “You know me” este o dezvaluire sufleteasca, iar versurile de mai jos sunt pentru mine cea mai naturala declaratie de dor si iubire 🙂
“I’m doing fine and the sun often shines. / What are you thinking? / I done bruised up my mind with this thunderbird wine / Baby, I’m drinking. Only you know me.” <3
Melodia noastra, ii tot sopteam in ureche ”You’re the one.”
”If there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one”
Catalin Leontie
I was her, she was me
We were one, we were free
Come undone
They’re selling razor blades and mirrors in the street
Come undone
I pray when I’m coming down, you’ll be asleep
Come undone
If I ever hurt you, your revenge will be so sweet
Because I’m scum, and I’m your son
I come undone
“I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate?”
Laura Bucur
Me and my monkey
With a dream and a gun
I’m hoping my monkey don’t point that gun at anyone.
Ana Birtea
“I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in”
So well-trained, so animal
So need your love, so f**k you all!
Fata condradicțiilor sunt eu 😀
Robbie, nu fi năcăjit, că sigur ajung cumva să te văd!
Marinela B.
You won’t be lost, hurt, tired or lonely
Something beautiful will come your way
We were young, we were wrong/ we were fine all along
Valentina Alexandrescu
Robbie Williams – She’s The One
We were young, we were wrong
We were fine all along
Multumim pentru concurs!
…So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head…❤
“Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me”
Pentru motivare!
Andreea Raluca
Chiar ca este greu sa aleg doar doua versuri, pentru ca toate melodiile lui sunt atat de frumoase, iti merg la inima pur si simplu <3
"Since you went away, my heart breaks everyday
And you don't know 'cause you're not there"
You Know Me
Multumim mult pentru concurs, vei face doua persoane fericite 🙂
Cred ca versurile care m-au facut sa ma indragostesc de Robbie sunt din melodia Come undone..toate, insa in special urmatoarele:
“I’m not scared of dying, I just don’t want to
If I stop lying, I’ll just disappoint you”
Felicitari pentru concurs!
“I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in”
Sper sa castig, ador
Aura Oprea
For all the fearless out there 🙂
“Hell is gone and heaven’s here
There’s nothing left for you to fear
Shake your arse come over here”
…Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it’s come and gone to soon.
Every mistake I’ve ever made
Has been rehashed and then replayed
As I got lost along the way
Road to Mandalay. Un cantec bun de contemplat viata aiurea
Laura Neghina
Sunt fana Robbie Williams, e foarte greu sa aleg doua versuri, dar voi fi subiectiva. Mi-am dorit langa mine ” A man for all seasons” dupa o relatie esuata si l-am gasit cand m-am asteptat mai putin.
” It’s true, some might say the truth will out
But I believe without a doubt in you.” – Eternity
Huiu Victor Serban
“When you think we’re lost, we’re exploring
What you think is worthless, I’m adoring”
Melodia Tripping
Robert A.
Close your eyes so your don’t hear them
They don’t need to see you cry
“Don’t try to make them love you, don’t answer every call/
Baby be a giant,let the world be small.”
Melodia este “Go gentle”, iar versurile imi pare ca exprima cel mai bine cu putinta curajulde a fi autentic intr-o lume care glorifica mimesis-ul ca mod de viata. Si tare mult mi-ar placea sa aud indemnul asta live 🙂
We’ll meet beyond the shore
We’ll kiss just like before
Happy we’ll be beyond the sea
And never again I’ll go sailing
Beyond The Sea
Super concursul.
Mie imi plac aceste versuri:
“Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me”
Nastere usoara!
Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Climov Gabriela
Multumesc Andreea pentru ocazia oferita!
“And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall”
Me and my monkey
drove in search of the sun
Now me and my monkey
We don’t wanna kill no mexican
But we’ve got ten itchy fingers
and one thing to declare
When the monkey is high
you do not stare, you do not stare
you do not stare…
No one learned from your mistakes
We let our profit s go to waste
All that’s left in any case
Is Advertising space
Mihaela Man
“I hope I’m old before I die
I hope I live to relive the days gone by”
Old before I die
Ivona Oancea
We’ve got stars directing our fate
And we’re praying it’s not too late
Valentina Manea
ah ce bine ar fi sa mergem la concert sa cantam:
Don’t waste time with the idiots
Think that they’re heroes.
They will betray you.
Stick with us weirdos.
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
Ioana Jo
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Deea Petrica
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love…
Nu neaparat versurile acestea m-au facut sa ma indragostesc de el, ci pur si simplu energia lui si mesajul pe care il transmite prin muzica, insa acum, asta am simtit si asta mi-a venit in minte. 🙂
Every mistake I’ve ever made
Has been rehashed and then replayed
As I got lost along the way
My breath smells of a thousand fags. And when I’m drunk I dance like my dad
I was her she was me
We were one we were free 🙂
Simona Criste
Piesa mea preferata e Advertising Space asa ca “No one learned from your mistakes/We let our profits go to waste… :)”
“Scare myself to death
That’s why I keep on running”
**Go Gentle**
“Don’t try to make them love you.
Don’t answer every call.
Baby be a giant.
Let the world be small.”
Ioana Pastuhov
“Singing for the lonely
You’re not the only ones who feel this
So scared of what we’re doing
All the time”
I just wanna feel
Real love and the love ever after!
“I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in”
When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
Un Cd cu Robbie canta cand mi-am pierdut eu virginitatea…acum muuulti ani :))
I just wannna feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
Dana Ceuca
So when I’m lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Critiana Mitroi
Before I fall in love
I’m preparing to leave her
Nastere usoara iti doresc si felicitari pentru modul in care ai ales sa daruiesti aceste bilete.
Oana Badea
Bună! Versurile mele preferate sunt : “No regrets they don’t work/No regrets they only hurt” .
Andreea B
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Pentru ca am crescut cu muzica lui <3 (nu imi vine sa cred ca sunt aproape 2 decenii…)
We've got stars directing our fate and we're praying it's not too late 'cause we know we're falling from grace…Millenium 🙂
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
Oh what are you really looking for?
Another partner in your life
To abuse and to adore
When I grow old I won’t forget
To innocence, my only debt
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans.
Piesa Feel.
Pot canta in intregime multe melodii ale lui Robbie Williams si am apreciat mereu sentimentele impletite in muzica, insa daca ar fi sa aleg, cele 2 versuri preferate ar fi “I didn’t loose my mind, it was mine to give away” din No Regrets si “Speak so loud, I can’t hear what you say” din King of Bloke and Bird.
angheluta elena
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
Claudia H.
“When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love”
(“Angels”, Robbie Williams)
Andreea Petruta
I was her she was me
We were one we were free
If there’s somebody calling me on
She’s the one
Alina M.
“I just wanna feel
Real love and the love ever after”
I just wanna feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste 🙂
Radu Florina Simona
Acestea sunt versurile care imi plac foarte mult: When I’m feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I’ll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I’m loving angels instead
Iulia din Alba Iulia
I’m not scared of dying, I just don’t want to
‘Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living’
Imi incerc si eu norocul 🙂
Alex L
If I did it all again I’d be a nun
The rain was never cold when I was young
She offers me protection a lot of love and affection whether i’m right or wrong
When a heart is broken there’s nothing to break – Trippin
I know I’m gonna die so my revenge is living well – Make me pure
Intensive care – fav album
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna say it
You’ll be so high you’ll be flying
Bratu Florin Evelin
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don’t understand
🙂 Iubesc versurile astea, reprezinta pentru mine nebunia aia pe care o simti cand iubesti!
Ioana Moasa
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme. [Supreme, 2000]
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Ciuca Natalia
“God gave me the sunshine,
Then showed me my lifeline”
e crud sa ne pui sa alegem doua versuri, e ca si cum ma pui sa aleg doar o prajitura de pe un platou intreg de diferite alte modele si compozitii..of..
Cause I got too much life/ Running through my veins/ Going to waste
Andrei Ionescu
When there’s no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme.
Asa am iubit intotdeauna… SUPREEEEM
I got too much life/Running through my veins….
Bratu Florin Evelin
I sit and talk to God, and he just laughs at my plans. My head speaks a language, I don’t understand… Iubesc versurile astea, pentru mine inseamna nebunia aia pe care o simti cand iubesti. 🙂
Greu! Tare greu sa alegi din texte cu suflet pe care le simti ca iti intra pe sub piele, te trec fiori si viata parca-i mai frumoasa. Cu bune, cu rele.
Din “Angels” eu ador aceste versuri:
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
Pentru ca din orice rau apare un bine si speranta nu trebuie sa se piarda. Never ever!
No regrets they don’t work
No regrets they only hurt
“I knew a man Bojangles and he’d dance for you..”
Hincu Maura
“I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in”-sunt cele 2 versuri care m-au facut sa ma indragostesc de melodiile lui Robbie ,melodii ce se potrivesc perfect indiferent de starea pe care o ai.Odata ajunse la suflet nu mai pot iesi de acolo,te fac fan Robbie Williams pe viata.Muzica lui rezoneaza cu toate varstele.
Alexandra Epure
“And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity”
Me and my monkey
drove in search of the sun
Tibi Goanta
Hei, am 3 versuri de pus:
Hi, my name is Sunshine, these are my girls
Lace my palm with silver baby and oh yeah
They’ll rock your world
“I hope you find your freedom